The Amazon Prime released its new television series 'Utopia' on 25 September 2020. The series plots the story of young adults who meet online. They get on hold of the cult underground graphic novel, and it not only pins them as a target of an organization but also trammels them with some vicious task of saving the world.

The cast includes the set of artists including John Cusack as Dr. Kevin Kristie, Ashleigh LaThrop as Becky, Dan Byrd as Ian, Desmin Borges as Wilson Wilson, Christopher Denham as Arby, Javon 'Wanna' Walton as Grant, and many others.

Similarly, the creator of the show is Gillian Flynn, and it is the product of her novel, Utopia. Similarly, Ryan Enright, Dennis Kelly, and Ryan Parrott are with the writing.

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John Cusack in Utopia (©: NYTimes)

Moreover, the show is directed by Toby Haynes, Susanna Fogel, JD. Dillard, and Courtney Hunt.

Is Utopia Based On A Book?

The Amazon Television series, Utopia, is based on a novel by the show's creator, Gillian Flynn. The book covered the story of a group of conspiracy theorists who ensemble and sought a comic book they believe predicts the future.

It features a book entitled 'Utopia' which is believed to contain coded signals to the viral outbreaks like SARS and Zika.

And the girls and boys are compelled to go on the run because of their accidental connection to the comic book.

Gillian Flynn's Net Worth And Career

Gillian Flynn enriches the net worth of $12 million throughout her long career of writing. Initially, the American author started out as a police reporter and served as a television critic for Entertainment Weekly.

As per Forbes, she is also one of the highest-earning authors. She earned around $13 million in 2014 alone.

Flynn, age 49, released her first novel entitled Sharp Object in 2006, which has a price of $9.99 on Amazon. The novel won the CWA New Blood Award and Ian Fleming Steel Daggers Award. Similarly, she followed with Dark Places in 2009, and it has the same price of $9.99 on Amazon.

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Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn (©: Goodreads)

Besides that, she has several books on her list, including Gone Girl ($9.99), Rogues ($9.99), Perdida ($7.99), Heridas Abiertas ($7.99).