Most people of the Eastern side believe in the natural process of healing and treatment and use of Ayurveda (herbs) for medications. Some of the medicines that are being used in these societies are found in their kitchens such as Cardamom, Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Chinese Kabootar, Ginger, Willow Bark, and many more. Here, we discuss the use of Turmeric and its positive effects on the human body.

Scientists who have been training in Sub Zero Temperatures on Arctic mission to study climate change will have to face sea ice with overwhelming coldness, isolation, and darkness on their arctic expedition mission. Six hundred scientists from 17 countries will also conduct studies regarding the rapidly changing physical, geochemical, and biological ecosystems of the Arctic regions. The expedition starts from 20 September 2019 on Norway, Tromsø, letting the ship get trapped in ice.

A specialized aircraft of NASA "Super Guppy" landed at Mesa Gateway Airport in early March 2021. Mesa Gateway Airport has been a regular stop for the airplane in order to refill the fuel. The official of the airport has shared that the plane has been stopping there at regular intervals of time during the course of carrying the Orion heat Shield. 

Russia becomes the first country to bring out the vaccine for the world pandemic Coronavirus (COVID-19), and the Russian government approves it. The government of Russia recently approved its use in tens of thousands of people, although it has not been tested for effectiveness. Russia has named the first Coronavirus vaccine 'Sputnik V' after the world's first artificial satellite launched during the space race.