Science And Technology
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- Written by Will Crust
- Category: Science And Technology
11 people in every 1000 people suffer from schizophrenia in the US. A mental disorder, schizophrenia affects the brain of a victim, causing it to shrink due to tissue damage. It has been found that the size of the cranium is much smaller in the case of a patient than the average size. Though no permanent cure is found yet, the chances of relapse always exist.
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- Written by Jazz Dob
- Category: Science And Technology
People with Mesothelioma have no option rather than dying or improving their quality of life through treatment. As it is considered as the most dangerous cancer known in the current world, it has a potential loss of life expectancy of the victim. Despite all that, it needs three to five decades to develop after the exposure to 'asbestos.'
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- Written by Jazz Dob
- Category: Science And Technology
The Hubble Space Telescope at The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) shared an image of a distant galaxy moving away from the planet Earth 60 million light-years (3 million miles) away on 6 July 2020. The galaxy was identified as NGC 7513, located in the Sculptor constellation above the Southern Hemisphere.
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- Written by Toshiki Kai
- Category: Science And Technology
A class of diseases involving heart or blood vessels is known as cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD includes coronary artery diseases (CAD) like angina and myocardial infarction, known as a heart attack. Similar cases of CVDs include stroke, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, peripheral artery disease, and rheumatic heart diseases. It’s no secret that pesticides are hazardous to our health. Exposure to pesticides has been connected to several serious illnesses, from respiratory problems and birth shortcomings to cancer.
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- Written by Toshiki Kai
- Category: Science And Technology
Chemotherapy is a type of treatment for cancer that uses one or more anti-cancer drugs as a part of a consistent regimen to extend life or lessen symptoms produced by it for the patients who have cancer. This therapy destroys rapidly growing cells in the body, halting the symptoms of cancer cells, or killing them.
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